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Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion!
Deep Thoughts and Observations by Ken
The British Are Coming!
Published on July 7, 2005 By
War on Terror
Today, we have witnessed another terror attack, this time right in the heart of London. All props to the Brits for the way they are handling this horrible situation. It is great to see a country that still has the resolve and backbone not to break down and capitulate like the cowardly Spaniards did. It shows that the spirit of Winston Churchill is alive and well in the hearts of the British People. Like American's they are strong willed and determined to never let a bunch of sub-human cowards intimidate them or break them into submission. We know the Brits are our friends and we will always stand behind them. It shows the British are far superior to their Fideua-Spined neighbors in the South. The message to the terrorists should be loud and clear "The British are coming, the British are coming!"
The carnage we see is a reminder of what the war on terror is all about. This should remind us exactly what we are fighting for. The images should rekindle our memories of 911 and strengthen our resolve to hunt these animals and kill them. This should also remind us what we are actually holding at Gitmo and other places. The human debris we are holding at Gitmo are cut from the same cloth as the cowards that committed the horrible acts in London today. If not behind bars they all would be willing and eager to carry out similar barbaric acts. The events of today should remind the world that we should not treat this scum like common criminals or even given the dignity of being Prisoners of War.
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Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages
on Jul 08, 2005
Haha. I guess it's words like "current Amerian Regime" and "squandered" and "perverted" that lead me to believe that, no matter what you say to the contrary, you ARE anti American.
The world did not "respect" us after 9/11 they pittied us. Unless you are one who believes that "victim=respect" you should be able to see the difference. The only difference between the attacks of 9/11 and so many other attacks by anti western extremists was it was the one that woke most people up. We finally responded with more than crashed helicopters, meaningless bombings of aspirin factories and "we will find them and make them pay" rhetoric.
The fact is, Moslem extremists have been at war with us for decades now. Like the targets in a penny arcade shooting gallery we have reacted by merely falling down or changing directions. Rarely did we take up arms and shoot back at the kid with the BB gun.
Well, the attacks got more bold and more intense. An embassy here, a barracks there, and maybe even a ship or two. These were ALL acts of WAR against western culture, but because Congresses, Presidents, Parliaments, Prime Ministers (and whatever other titles are used in western culture nations) chose to do next to nothing. Starve the people, bomb a few cleaning ladies and then sit fat and happy that "we showed them". The laughter amongst the Islamic Extremists must have been side splitting.
They aren't laughing anymore. They are dying. Using some of the most desperate tactics to stay affloat in a world turned upside down. They are no longer able to take some hostages or bomb a bulding, now they have to die for their cause.
Now that we have started to fight back, there are only 2 outcomes. Give them the ultimate opportunity to die for their cause, or pull our troops out and turn the keys of freedom over to them.
I don't know which you would prefer, but I'm not willing to give up the keys of freedom to cowardly wimp with a deathwish and the hope of a few virgins on the other side.
Island Dog
on Jul 08, 2005
Great post.
on Jul 08, 2005
From what Dharma says, they are hating themselves because they dont know who to hate more! I dont think even haha can find solace there today
--Yeah, its fun/funny going over and watching them argue...
on Jul 13, 2005
"The world did not "respect" us after 9/11 they pittied us."
The world did not pity you, they empathised with you as in "We are all American now" and there was this tremendous support for America to propogate the war on terror. Every right minded person was behind you. Where the wheels fell off as far as the rest of the world was concerned was when the cause became perverted. I will state again, I do not hate Americans just the current regime. But now (as distinct from 9/11) I do pity you because this regime has taken away so many rights of it's own citizens, but then my own government is doing the same on the same excuse.
"The fact is, Moslem extremists have been at war with us for decades now."
I will agree with you but you make them sound like one homogenous lot, they are not. It is pretty clear the extremists are made up of two types. There are the ones that truly hate the west. These are the organisers but not the perpetrators of terrorism (the Bin Ladens, Al Zakawis etc.) They would like nothing better than to see the collapse of western society and the US in particular for it's support of Israel. But by themselves they are too few in number and could be tracked and I believe neutralised. They need the ignorant loyal footsoldiers that they can wind up and send out to carry out their bidding with a promise of untold virgins in paradise afterwards. They get these from the poor, the downtrodden and those with an axe to grind. The invasion of Iraq has swelled these footsoldiers to record levels and so we see so many more terrorist attacks now than before the invasion.
on Jul 13, 2005
I do pity you because this regime has taken away so many rights of it's own citizens
--And you sir are surely ignorant...
on Jul 13, 2005
Hey, looks like that 'let's bring the war to the terrorists first in Iraq' plan really worked. Good job George and Tony!
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