Deep Thoughts and Observations by Ken
Published on July 7, 2005 By AKABrutus In War on Terror
Today, we have witnessed another terror attack, this time right in the heart of London. All props to the Brits for the way they are handling this horrible situation. It is great to see a country that still has the resolve and backbone not to break down and capitulate like the cowardly Spaniards did. It shows that the spirit of Winston Churchill is alive and well in the hearts of the British People. Like American's they are strong willed and determined to never let a bunch of sub-human cowards intimidate them or break them into submission. We know the Brits are our friends and we will always stand behind them. It shows the British are far superior to their Fideua-Spined neighbors in the South. The message to the terrorists should be loud and clear "The British are coming, the British are coming!"

The carnage we see is a reminder of what the war on terror is all about. This should remind us exactly what we are fighting for. The images should rekindle our memories of 911 and strengthen our resolve to hunt these animals and kill them. This should also remind us what we are actually holding at Gitmo and other places. The human debris we are holding at Gitmo are cut from the same cloth as the cowards that committed the horrible acts in London today. If not behind bars they all would be willing and eager to carry out similar barbaric acts. The events of today should remind the world that we should not treat this scum like common criminals or even given the dignity of being Prisoners of War.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 07, 2005
on Jul 08, 2005
Hopefully the British will keep a level head and not follow the Americans lead of knee jerk reaction (Afghanistan) followed by the perversion of attempting to use it to achieve commercial ends (Iraq). One thing, the British have been dealing successfully with terrorism for a lot longer than most countries. They have never allowed it to intimidate them nor have they seen the need to curtail the rights of their own citizens or others as happened in the US in the phony 'war on terror'.
on Jul 08, 2005
You Tell 'em Brutus, Welcome to JU!!!

Haha... ::::::: Quit being an apologist for the bacteria and start thinking for yourself!!!!
on Jul 08, 2005
Quit being an apologist for the bacteria and start thinking for yourself!!!!

--Don't you know Para...thats impossible...
on Jul 08, 2005
I like your picture! I agree with you, those Brits are standing tall and looking good through this. Read Floosies "Letter to the Terrorists" for another great article on that point.

a bunch of sub-human cowards

I prefer to refer to them as "The Bacteria", after all, what is the only thing you can do to keep bacteria from infecting healthy life... Exterminate it! ;~D

Your right, the Bacteria does not deserve to be given "POW" status. Geneva doesn't even extend its protection for them.
on Jul 08, 2005
hmmmm....and just who am I being an apologist for??? I am guessing you are talking about the perpetrators....which of course is crap, but nothing less than I would expect from the "you're either for us or against us" mob. My point was that, on past experience, the British will deal with this efficiently and effectively but most of all they will not allow these people to destroy their hard fought for democracy and freedoms and their islands will not be turned into fortress Britain. I lived there through several bombings by the IRA.
on Jul 08, 2005
Haha. Nope, I am not a big fan of the whole "if you aren't for us, you are against us" thing. I believe that it is just as constitutional to protest any war as to fight in it. However, protesting against a war is not the same as siding with the bacteria (the terrorsts, insurgents.. whatever word you want to use).

You can be as bigoted against the U.S. as you'd like, that's ok, again that is your right. I do like (and agree with) your respect for the people of England but last I checked the U.S. and England were allies in this. Can you really be so blinded by hate that you can see the same thing from both and only fault (or praise) one side?
on Jul 08, 2005

I lived there through several bombings by the IRA.

Yea, and I lived through the SLA bombings.  And we did not turn America into DNT America.  Your sympathy for the terrorist reeks with every sentence you write.  And it is in spite of you that Britian will perservere, not because of your ilk.

on Jul 08, 2005
They have never allowed it to intimidate them nor have they seen the need to curtail the rights of their own citizens or others as happened in the US in the phony 'war on terror'.

That's amazing because nobody has lost their rights in the U.S.

Europe can no longer appease the islamists just to avoid "offending" somebody.
on Jul 08, 2005
hmmmm....and just who am I being an apologist for??? I am guessing you are talking about the perpetrators....which of course is crap, but nothing less than I would expect from the "you're either for us or against us" mob. My point was that, on past experience, the British will deal with this efficiently and effectively but most of all they will not allow these people to destroy their hard fought for democracy and freedoms and their islands will not be turned into fortress Britain. I lived there through several bombings by the IRA.

Yet another left-wing anti-american clown! One whose hate knows no bounds. Go away troll.
on Jul 08, 2005

I am glad you are defending your position with logical argument. Most here seem to just want to sling mud. Without debate on oposing views we might as well just raise the white flag and tell the terrorists that they have won.
In answer to you, I do not hate America but I was terribly disappointed that the current American regime, with the will of the free world behind it, squandered the authority to prosecute the war on terror as it needed to be. After 9/11 America had the will of the whole free world with it to purge this scourge from the planet but what did the administration do??? It used the excuse of the war on terror to persue it's own agenda which had nothing to do with the war on terror and in doing so it let the nations of the free world down. As the worlds most powerful citizen, America has a responsibility to the whole world not just itself.

"Yet another left-wing anti-american clown! One whose hate knows no bounds. Go away troll."
Is this seriously the best this website can do?? What a waste of time.
on Jul 08, 2005
Thankyou for defending your position with logic, not that usual here.
I do not hate Americans but I was distressed when the current regime perverted the war on terror for their own agenda. This war is probably the most important challenge that we face today and after 9/11 the rest of the free world looked to America to propogate this war. You had everyone on side. But to our dismay the US regime hijacked the agenda and used it to persue its own aims. If you want to understand the rest of the world antithesis to the US it is all in that one fact. This is why America enjoys so little support in the rest of the world, we relied on you to lead this war and your government let the free world down. As a result the terrorists have gained strength and confidence. And, knowing that they had made a complete cock up, you re-elected them! Is it unfair to place such expectation on the US, probably, but you set yourselves up for it.

"Yet another left-wing anti-american clown! One whose hate knows no bounds. Go away troll."
Hopefully there is more intelligent analysis elsewhere.
on Jul 08, 2005
The second coment was poted when it looked like the first comment got wiped out. appologies.
on Jul 08, 2005
"Yet another left-wing anti-american clown! One whose hate knows no bounds. Go away troll."
Is this seriously the best this website can do?? What a waste of time.

No sir, YOU are the waste of time! Why don't you try DU. It would probably suite you better.
on Jul 08, 2005

No sir, YOU are the waste of time! Why don't you try DU. It would probably suite you better.

From what Dharma says, they are hating themselves because they dont know who to hate more!  I dont think even haha can find solace there today!

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