Deep Thoughts and Observations by Ken
Published on July 11, 2005 By AKABrutus In Politics

DNA tests have confirmed in a stunning new development that Senator Hillary Rhodham Clinton is in fact the mother of Alfred E. Newman, spokesman for MAD magazine. It is unknown who the father is but many have speculated that Hillary once had an affair with longtime Nightline Host Ted Koppel. Some have even suggested the father could be none other that Prince Charles. It is unknown weather DNA tests on Koppel or the Prince have occurred. Calls to Senator Clinton have not been returned and a spokesman in her office had no comment.

on Jul 12, 2005
Yeah, I can see that
on Jul 12, 2005
if i was koppel, i'd demand a 2nd dna test

on Jul 12, 2005
Hold that DNA test! There is another sample to draw!!!

on Jul 12, 2005

send all them dna samples to me...justice antonin e umm scalia.
on Jul 12, 2005
you guys are too cool
on Jul 12, 2005
Excellent post Ken!
on Jul 12, 2005
Will the Real Prs. Billary E. Newman Please Stand Up!!!