Deep Thoughts and Observations by Ken
Resistance Is Futile, You Will Be Assimilated!
Published on August 27, 2005 By AKABrutus In Republican
It is time that we take the word liberal away from the left. The word that is identified with liberty and freedom has been hijacked by those who loath the very concepts that liberty implies.

Words such as liberal, socialist and communist have become archaic, and have lost their true meanings. We should choose a new fitting and more descriptive word that better illustrates what leftists are really all about.

Leftist theory will always fail because it denies the very nature of human beings. We are individuals and will always live and act in our own self interests. To the liberal the only way to change man's instinct for self preservation is to destroy man's individual identity.

The way to achieve this, the collectivist believes is to destroy and subvert the very things that we associate with individuality and replace it with a group identity. Business, money, family, identity, liberty, responsibility, spirituality etc. must be altered from individual concepts into the realm of the collective. The mechanism for this is ever increasing reliance on the government. The more individuals that are subject to government the more individuality is stifled. This causes man to lose their ability to take care of their own self preservation and rely wholly on the collective for their needs.

History has proven that collectivism only brings about ruin and misery, but this does not stop or even make the collectivists think twice about the validity of their ideas. They reason that the cause of past failures is the wrong people were in charge, or that outside forces sabotaged their efforts.

In the collectivists mind their theories are the destiny of mankind and it is only a matter of time before they can completely chip away man�s individual nature and evolve into a truly collective being. Once this is achieved Utopia will finally be realized.

Interestingly militant Islam has the same goal but instead of government as the medium to destroy individualism they use religion. No wonder the left and militant Islam seem to be in league with each other, they are merely two sides of the same collectivist coin.

on Aug 27, 2005
It is time that we take the word liberal away from the left.

Liberal theory will always fail because it denies the very nature of human beings.

A shame. Having taken the word away from the left with one hand, you went and gave it back again with the other.
on Aug 27, 2005

If you notice I use the word liberal untill I introduce a new words such as "collectivist".
on Aug 27, 2005
Ken, dont argue with Chakgogka on the english language!  But even I have to agree.  Let us take it away and use it as it should be used.  In that vein, I am a Liberal.  Just not an American Liberal.
on Aug 27, 2005
I vote the left gets to keep "liberal" because it is a cuss word and will soon mean anti american, hating party.
on Aug 27, 2005
Dr. Guy and Chakgogka.

Ok I can see both your points. I changed the word liberal to leftist. Is that better? However untill someone comes up with a better word that sticks we may have to keep the word liberal for a while.

on Aug 28, 2005

Ok I can see both your points. I changed the word liberal to leftist. Is that better? However untill someone comes up with a better word that sticks we may have to keep the word liberal for a while.

Unfortunate, but true.